We understand that choosing the right primary school for your child is of the upmost importance, so thank you for considering the Priory School for your child. We look forward to the opportunity to meet you.
Please see below for further information on how to find out more about the school and how to join our school community.

Open Events
We would really like you to see our school in action, so you can make an informed view of what we can provide for your child. This is why we offer open events during the school day rather than in the evening, allowing you to see each and every class in action.
Our open days include a short presentation by the Headteacher, followed by a tour of the school with our Year 6 pupil leaders and time spent in our EYFS base. There will also be an opportunity to talk to the school SENCo to discuss any additional needs you may want to explore further.​​
We currently have open mornings scheduled for the following dates and times:
Tuesday 22nd October 2024 9:15 am - 10:30 am FULLY BOOKED
Tuesday 12th November 2024 9:15 am - 10:30 am
Thursday 21st November 2024 9:15 am - 10:30 am
Thursday 9th January 2025 9:15 am - 10:30 am
To book a place, please call (01202 484105) or email ( our school office and one of our Admin team will be happy to assist.
We look forward to meeting you.
How to Apply
We hope to be able to offer a place for your child in the Autumn term after their fourth birthday. Space permitting, we would also welcome applications for in-year transfers (moving from another school). We are happy to consider applications from out of our catchment area. Our class size is 30 and, in the event of oversubscription, we offer places according to the criteria set out in our Admissions Policy.
Admissions are managed by BCP Council, and all the information required for an application is available on their Parent Portal, which also includes a detailed guide on how the application process works. The published closing date for admission to reception is 15 January 2025.
You may also contact the BCP Admissions Team on 01202 127963 or email them. Further information on admissions is published by BCP on their website.
Further Information
Applications for a Delayed Entry
Our process for responding to requests for admissions to a year group outside a child’s normal age group (including delayed admission to reception for summer born children) is detailed in our Admissions Policy appendix. There are application forms for a delayed entry to Reception for summer-born children and for placing a child in a year group outside their normal age group.
In all cases of deferred or delayed entry requests, please contact the school for a discussion with the Headteacher.
If your application for a school is refused, you have the right of appeal against this decision to an independent appeal panel.
Please contact us at the following email address; to begin this process, or for more information.
The school's appeals timetable details when appeals can be lodged and when they will be heard.