Our Curriculum
We prioritise the development of the head and the heart to enable all to learn, flourish and achieve. Our teaching and learning is underpinned by our core ethos ‘inspiring all to learn, flourish and achieve’.
The Priory School has developed a compelling, sequenced and relevant curriculum which progresses from EYFS to Year 6. The specific content of what we want children to learn is important, so we have developed a knowledge-rich curriculum, mapping out content within and across year groups.
Our inclusive curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all learners through engaging, first hand experiences delivered by teachers who know their content and teach with passion and precision. We want our school community to develop a deep and life-long love of learning. We aspire to share the very best of what has been thought and said, across continents and cultures.
We have developed a curriculum, based on the National Curriculum, which reflects our unique context and priorities.
Further information about our curriculum is available by contacting the school.

A Global School

We are a school that is centred in its local, national and global community, working towards developing informed and active citizens of the world.
An Inclusive School

We are a school that recognises, celebrates and values diversity.
An Eco School

We recognise the importance of acting sustainably and caring for our local and global environment. We intend to develop informed and educated citizens of the world.
A Healthy School

We value the importance of our health, and prioritise the development of our social, emotional, physical and mental health.
A Church School

We recognise the value of being spiritually informed and aware, noticing the wonder in the world and considering our own values.
A Coastal School

We recognise and value our unique location in the heart of historic Christchurch, on the edge of the New Forest National Park, and close to the south coast.