Our Staff
Our staff team is fully committed to enabling our school community to flourish.

Mrs Richardson
School Vision and Strategy
Collective Worship
Child Protection and Safeguarding (DSL)
Operation Encompass Key Adult
Prevent Lead
Health & Safety
Personal Development Team Leader (Behaviour; Pupil Premium)
Miss Etheridge
Year R Teacher
Early Education Team
Mrs Wright
Year 2 Teacher
Personal Development Team (PSHE; Trick Box; MMM; Anti-Bullying Champion)
Mr Swain
Year 5 Teacher
Curriculum Team (Maths, Science, RE)
Miss Bryan
Teaching Assistant​
Miss Dyer
Teaching Assistant​
Mrs Palmer
Teaching Assistant​
Miss Bull
Teaching Assistant​
Mrs Casserley
School Business Manager
Mr Dangerfield
Mr McLean
Assistant Headteacher
PE and Sport Premium
Curriculum Team Leader (English)
Digital Technology Lead
Deputy DSL
Online Safety Champion
School Sport & Extra-Curricular Oversight
Professional Development (Inc. Induction) Lead
Educational Visits & Outdoor Learning Coordinator
Miss Harriss
Year 1 Teacher
Early Education Team
Miss Ross
Year 3 Teacher
Curriculum Team (Geography, History, Languages)
Mrs Miller
Year 5 Teacher
Curriculum Team (PE)
Mrs Crabb
Teaching Assistant​
Mrs Poulter
Teaching Assistant​
Miss Platts
Teaching Assistant​
Miss Blow
Teaching Assistant​
Mrs Jones
Admin Officer
Ms Russell
SENCO & Inclusion Lead
Designated Teacher for LAC
Pupil Premium
Deputy DSL
​Personal Development Team (Nurture; Forest Schools)
Miss Field
Year 6 Teacher
Personal Development Team (Pastoral Care; Young Carers; Mental Health; Pupil Leadership; Attendance; Global Neighbours)
Deputy DSL
Volunteers, Student Teachers & Work Experience
Miss Worrall
Year 4 Teacher
Curriculum Team (Computing, Music, Art, DT)
Mrs Colebeck
School Sport Coordinator
First Aid Coordinator
Forest School Leader
Miss Harrison
Teaching Assistant​
Mrs McCall
Teaching Assistant​
Mrs Thorpe
Teaching Assistant​
Mrs White
Teaching Assistant​
Mrs Broom
Admin Officer